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'There is no judgment and the form is anonymous. 'On Tuesdays, we will provide a link to sign up for a free home-made meal delivered to you with safety in mind,' goes their announcement on Facebook. RED BEANS AND RICELY YOURS, AUSTIN This community initiative, headed by Chris Cubas and Maris Clegg, is dedicated to providing free meals (of red beans and rice, andouille sausage, cornbread, fruit, dessert, and a drink) to Austinites in need. LES DAMES D’ESCOFFIER: YOU GRILL, GIRL! And here come Austin's Les Dames with the city’s first event that celebrates women chefs and grilling masters, bringing a night of live-fire yum to the Franklin Barbecue parking lot – with the likes of nilgai cervelat sausage with thorny mustard, pork with sunchoke and fermented ramps, grilled catfish yakitori with grits and crawfish tare, lamb belly huraches, and more, cooked up by professionals as seasoned as the delicacies they create. And if you're able to contribute they're accepting online donations, which support farmers and low-income families facing food insecurity.

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Food Access Resources From SFC Thursday 28įOOD ACCESS RESOURCES FROM SFC The Sustainable Food Center has put together a thorough compilation of food access resources for Central Texans, ranging from farmers' markets to CSAs to delivery options and everything in between, so you can ensure that healthy food stays on your table.

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